Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Buck's X - A little late never hurt anybody

If you know anything about me, especially those who probably don't know me at all and are my 'friends' on Facebook, know I am pretty into music. I've been heavily into the discovery phase the last probably 3 years and am constantly seeking out new good music. It does exist to those who say rock is dead. Every once in a while, while seeking out new stuff I stumble upon a band that has been around for a long, long time that slipped through the cracks for whatever reason. The latest discovery of mine, which to some of you may sound odd that I have never listened to them, is a band called King's X. King's X have been around since the mid to late 80's and have released a number of albums which I've recently had the graces of listening to. Its no wonder I like these guys, them being a combination of 90's grunge, 80's hard rock, funk, groove, soul, with melodic vocals and guitar riffs like no other. According to my lazy, quick research of these guys, they are fairly well known and to the music community are considered one of the most underrated bands in history (hence, why I've never heard of them).

The album that hit me with the most punch was the album "Dogman". King's X - Dogman was released in 1994, about the time I first really started listening to music, but not obsessed with it as I am now. Who knows what would have happened if I had my hands on this stuff back then. Probably nothing, but you just neva, neva know do ya. There literally is not a bad song on this album. Each one on initial listen sent those lusting shivers down my spine, which is my queue that there is something special. Take a listen to these songs if you haven't already heard them and tell me this isn't timeless music that even someone today, having never heard the band before and is exposed day to day at the forefront of the latest bands around the world, can be utterly amazed at. Right now, I am really having a hard time trying to pick out a couple songs as examples because they are all 5/5 star material.

Title Track - "Dogman"


Slower Ballad - "Cigarettes"

If you like heavy rock, blues, funk, pop, soul, metal, or anything in between you should not have a problem enjoying this band, and especially this album. It's a diamond in the rough and instant classic for me up there with AC/DC Back in Black, Metallica's Black album, Alice in Chains - Facelift, Nirvana - Nevermind, and of course anything Tom Petty.

To top all this new discovery mumbo jumbo of mine off, I was informed that King's X will be playing in Reno on April 12th this year with one of my favorite local Reno hard rock bands "The Swamp Donkey" opening for them. Actually this is what sparked my interest in checking out the band in case you were wondering. Without my Facebook contact to the world I would have never came upon this. It really is the main function of Facebook for me, discovering new music and sharing it with those interested. So if these songs weren't enough, might I tell you this dude performed probably THE BEST Jimi Hendrix cover in recorded history at Woodstock 94'. See below. Also, go get this CD along with many of their other ones.

King's X - Manic Depression (Jimi Hendrix Cover)


  1. Dude! It's awesome that you posted this. I have an older cousin who is a huge King's X fan. We used to rock out to them in his car all the time, "Dogman" of course being the favorite. I don't know how often I blurt out "give me a dollar, or give me fifty sense" when I am alone. It's probably one of the least frightening things I do.
    King's X came to Baton Rouge back in '04 and played at Clicks, a billiards bar. I knew my cousin wanted someone to go with, so I oblidged. It was an awesome show, made even better by a power outage on stage. The band had to take a break for about fifteen minutes, and the guitarist, Ty Tabor, got bored and yelled out, "Does anyone here watch Buffy?"
    No one said anything, but I've watched Buffy from the beginning, so I yelled, "Buffy rocks! That show is awesome!" "Right on, man," he yelled, and he was about to say something else, but the power came back and they started playing again. Well, after the show, people were lined up trying to talk to the band, but Tabor saw me and we immediately started talking about Joss Whedon shows. People kept coming up and trying to reminisce with the guy about guitar pedals they sold him or whatever, but Tabor kept ignoring them and talking to me about Buffy. After like twenty minutes of us complaining about Angel getting cancelled someone pulled on him and said they had to go. He was like, "Aw, man, we were just getting started. We didn't even talk about Firefly yet." My cousin thought it was the most awesome thing he had ever seen/heard, but everyone else that he blew off to talk to me about the Vampire Slayer was probably pretty pissed.
    Anyway, it was a good show.

  2. sense = cents...I guess I was too excited

  3. even better sense = scents. Glad somebody was excited. I sure was when I listened to the above mentioned album the first time.

    That sounds like a pretty cool experience Nick. I guess I will have to brush up on Buffy The Vampire Slayer before the Reno show I am planning on attending. :) I haven't been to the particular venue yet, but it looks like a very small intimate one which is always good. It's always cool getting the chance to talk one on one with a rock group member whether they are famous or not. I'm looking forward to the show for sure. Hopefully it falls through and I'm able to attend.
